Vivian Dudley

Voice of Care Leavers

The article highlights a youth’s journey from struggle to empowerment through community support from organizations like the YMCA and Foster Advocates, emphasizing the transformative impact of finding positive identity and community connections in overcoming systemic challenges faced by foster youth.

Interviewed by : ------------------

The article highlights a youth’s journey from struggle to empowerment through community support from organizations like the YMCA and Foster Advocates, emphasizing the transformative impact of finding positive identity and community connections in overcoming systemic challenges faced by foster youth.


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The Interviewee has granted the permission to Global Care Leavers Community (hereinafter called GCLC) in a written and verbal format, the exclusive rights to publish, distribute, communicate to the public, translate, archive, store, and use in databases and data networks (e.g. the Internet), the interview hosted by the working group member of GCLC. The interviewee has shared the consent form with their signature for the above-mentioned purposes and is registered in the GCLC records for reference.