"Care leaver networks are like a safety net, where you can fall back and survive to see another day"

- Ruth Wacuka from Kenya

Global Care Leavers Community commenced as a functional outcome of the first International Care Leavers Convention wherein the care leavers clearly spelt the need for an active platform for the exchange of ideas, best practices, advocacy, legislation, research and support. The community aims to drive the collectivization process including driving motivations, sharing challenges and achievements and seeking support for Care Leavers.

knowledge Building

Knowledge Building

Extending Network

Extending Network

Focused Advocacy

Focused Advocacy

Virtual Care Leavers

To be vocal about their thoughts, and opportunities, to build strong connections across the globe.

Care Leavers
Declaration 2020

100+ Young people from 25+ countries with Care experience drafted eleven domains of gaps and offered recommendations.

International Care Leavers Convention 2020

A landmark virtual event led by Care Leavers from across the globe to voice and lead their issues at transnational level.

Policy Briefs by
Care Leavers

The policy brief puts together the key guiding principles that can support policymakers while developing policies on leaving care

Virtual Care Leavers Cafe’

Through the passing years, active forums and platforms have taken a stage in vocalizing the aspiration of Care leavers globally. These forums took the lead in creating a safe niche for the Care Leavers to meet, share and explore opportunities beyond borders. With the culmination of the 1st International Care Leavers Convention, 2020 commenced the vision of Virtual Care Leavers Cafe

2024 – January : Who do you turn to for support and guidance?

Care leavers discussed who they trust for guidance. Houseparents, care staff, and older children were most mentioned. This session highlighted the importance of support networks, fostering hope and empowering participants to achieve their goals

2023 – December : Resolution Revolution

Care Leavers' Cafe focused on "Resolution Revolution," setting achievable goals. Practical tools and shared experiences helped boost motivation and confidence for the new year, turning aspirations into reality

2023 – November : Creating Memories

The session started with introductions and a mentimeter poll on how carers helped create memories. Ms. Tanja, a care leaver from Germany, shared her experience and tips. Breakout rooms allowed participants to discuss their own memories and access challenges. The session ended with advocacy recommendations and a positive note of shared experiences and gratitude

2023 – October : Sharing of BICON event experiences & Discussion on Alternative Care

Care leavers Surja and Rakesh shared their experiences and takeaways from the BICON conference. Rakesh, representing disabled care leavers, emphasized family's importance. The session ended with a positive response, with participants eager to continue next month for wider participation and BICON awareness

Voice of Care Leavers

Inspirational anecdotes shared by Care Experienced Young Adults from across the globe.

Care leavers find it much harder to get a job

The article chronicles personal experiences navigating employment challenges as a care leaver. It sheds light on the struggles faced during job applications, highlighting the initiatives taken by companies to hire care-experienced individuals. The author advocates for greater recognition of the skills and resilience of care leavers while addressing societal stigmas surrounding their experiences.

We Are Grieving

The article depicts an adoptee’s emotional struggles after discovering their adoption and the lack of support received. Stressing the need for continuous emotional support and open communication for adoptees, it underscores the importance of understanding and patience during their journey of self-discovery.

‘If it wasn’t for my foster carer I’d be in prison,’ says Swindon man

The news article emphasizes the impact of foster care on individuals like Peter Davies, who credits his foster carer for averting a troubled path. Davies urges more individuals in Swindon to consider fostering, highlighting the transformative potential in nurturing vulnerable children, urging for respect and understanding in their care.

Leaving Foster Care Left Me Homeless. I’m Not Alone.

The article sheds light on the challenging plight of care leavers, who face disproportionate homelessness rates upon leaving foster care due to the abrupt cut off of support services. The “care cliff” phenomenon exposes their struggle to secure housing and highlights the urgent need for extended assistance beyond the age of 18 in the UK and Ireland.

Vivian Dudley

The article highlights a youth’s journey from struggle to empowerment through community support from organizations like the YMCA and Foster Advocates, emphasizing the transformative impact of finding positive identity and community connections in overcoming systemic challenges faced by foster youth.

2nd International
Care Leavers Convention 2022

Agenda 2022 Read More Key Outcomes